Supply of Goods, Works and Consulting Services for the Integrated Agricultural Value Chains Development Project (PDI-CVA)

BurkinafasoTenders notice for Supply of Goods, Works and Consulting Services for the Integrated Agricultural Value Chains Development Project (PDI-CVA). The reference ID of the tender is 84881842 and it is closing on 31 Dec 2024.

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Tender Details

  • Country: Burkina Faso
  • Summary: Supply of Goods, Works and Consulting Services for the Integrated Agricultural Value Chains Development Project (PDI-CVA)
  • BFT Ref No: 84881842
  • Deadline: 31 Dec 2024
  • Competition: ICB
  • Financier: Other Funding Agencies
  • Purchaser Ownership: Public
  • Tender Value: Refer Document
  • Notice Type: Tender
  • Document Ref. No.:
  • Purchaser's Detail :
    Department of Public Contracts of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Fishery Resources-/Philibert ZONGO, 03 BP 7010 Ouagadougou 03, Tel: (+226) 25 49 99 00 à 09
    Email :pdadmarah2023

  • Description :
  • Tenders are invited for Supply of Goods, Works and Consulting Services for the Integrated Agricultural Value Chains Development Project (PDI-CVA) Burkina Faso has obtained financing in the amount of 13.5 million US dollars or 8.414 billion FCFA from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) in the form of loan No. BFA-1033 concluded on March 29, 2023 including an LLF grant of US$4.73 million and installment sale financing of US$8.77 million to finance the Integrated Agricultural Value Chains Development Project (PDI-CVA) and intends to use part of this funding to make payments for the procurement of goods, works and related services and consultancy services required under this project. 1-Project objectives The overall objective of the project is to stimulate a viable integrated rice and maize sub-sector to promote economic diversification, food security, sustainable employment opportunities and improved livelihoods. The specific objectives of the project are: promote improved production and productivity needed to improve the livelihoods of beneficiaries along priority value chains (rice and maize); transform the agricultural sub-sector into a viable and inclusive business opportunity. 2-Components of the project The project has six (06) components, namely: (i) improvement of agricultural productivity; (ii) Value Added and Market Access; (iii) Capacity building and institutional development; (iv) Project management and coordination; (v) Financial Audit and (vi) Emergency Response (CERC): Component-1. Improvement of agricultural productivity : The objective of this component is to ensure the availability of infrastructure and production/post-harvest equipment as well as inputs to increase the production and productivity of rice and maize. Activities under this component include: (i) the development of infrastructure to support agricultural production through the development of 729 ha of irrigated perimeter on the Bassé site in the Samendeni valley and the construction of 10 agricultural greenhouses in the peri-urban area of ​​Bobo Dioulasso and (ii); access to quality agricultural inputs, through the supply of 45 tons of certified rice seeds, 11 tons of certified maize seeds, 292 tons of NPK and 169 tons of urea. In addition, the project will support the acquisition of agricultural equipment, including 05 motor cultivators and 05 motor hoes. Component-2. Added value and market access: This component aims to improve farmers' incomes through the construction of rural infrastructure (storage warehouses and commercial platform) by improving their access to markets and their ability to add value to locally produced raw materials. The component will finance: (i) the construction of 2 warehouses with a capacity of 200 tons each including drying areas; (ii) acquisition and installation of 5 rice parboiling units and 5 maize processing units; (iii) the construction of 05 commercial platforms to improve the marketing of milled rice and maize products. Besides, the component will support market linkages by (i) organizing promotional events to promote agricultural products; (ii) the establishment of commercial links between the various actors of the value chain and their participation in agricultural fairs and visits to exchange experiences within the framework of the ECOWAS Rice Observatory. Component-3. Capacity building and institutional development:This component aims to build the capacity of farmers, cooperatives (civil society organizations) and other stakeholders on value chain activities in the areas of production, processing and marketing. The project will support capacity building for rice and maize communities and associations (women's and youth organizations) located in the project area, through (i) training on sustainable agricultural practices, cooperative development and business plans; (ii) training on agricultural value chain activities; (iii) training on the management of infrastructure and marketing equipment; (iv) participation in regional training and meetings; and (v) institutional support for certain technical services (DRARAH/HBS; INERA, DGPER, DGESS and ANAM.
  • Documents :
  •  Tender Notice

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